Poster Presentation Guideline
<Overview of presentation method>
This year, Robomech2021 will be organized ONLINE on the same designated dates and program. We will utilize the website, YouTube, and Slack for conducting poster presentations based on predetermined sessions.
Presenters are required to create a poster, a poster presentation video, and a thumbnail image. The poster presentation video uploaded to this website by the author will be uploaded to ROBOMECH2021 YouTube by ROBOMECH2021 committee members.
A presenter will upload their poster data to Slack by themself. Also, a presenter can upload Web meeting URL (Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, etc.), if they want. Please prepare the Web meeting URL by yourself.
Online presentation website, YouTube channel, and Slack will open June 6, 2021.
Fig. 1: Conceptual Image of Online Poster Presentation
<Contents to be prepared for presentation>
Please prepare the following files for your presentation
・Poster presentation video (Required, upload deadline: May 7, 17:00 May 14, 17:00)
Detail: poster video
・Thumbnail image (Required, upload deadline: May 7, 17:00 May 14, 17:00)
・Poster data (pdf file, Required)
Any size
・Web meeting URL (Optional)
[!] Poster presentation video upload.
Please read the manual before uploading the files. You can find the URL of the upload form in the manual. (upload deadline: May 7, 17:00 May 14, 17:00)
Poster presentation video/thumbnail image upload manual (English)
<How to read presentation number:‘‘abc–xyz’’>
- On the left side of the hyphen「–」
First character
a=1: means the first day (June 7, Monday)
a=2: means the second day (June 8, Tuesday)
Second character
b=A: means AM (morning session)
b=P: means PM (afternoon session)
Third character
c=1: means First Session
c=2: means Second Session - On the right side of the hyphen 「–」
First character x=: means the identity of the session (divided based on OS)
Second and third characters yz=: means the number of the poster in the session
For example: a poster with number ’’1A1-A04’’ will be presented on the first day (June 7, Monday), in the first session in the morning, and number 4 in the OS session A.
<Presentation core time>
Even though Robomech2020 is conducted online, we still want to keep the benefit of interactive communication. Therefore, we set a core time that asks a presenter to introduce their research in real time (using computer or smartphone devices) and interact with audiences.
Details are as followed:
- Each session has 90 mins. Within a session, 45 mins will be assigned as core time. In this case, all 45 mins is core time.
- During the core time, each presenter MUST present their poster or respond to questions immediately using informational devices (computer, tablet, smartphone).
- For each core time, posters with even numbers will present in the first half, in contrast, odd numbers will present in the second half.
- The poster uploading process can be started at any time after the completion announcement of the session preparation from the Program Committee.
- Please upload your presentation files as early as possible to avoid any unexpected trouble.
ROVOMECH2021 offers awards for the best demonstrations. The requirements of the best demonstrations as below.
- A presenter requested an award review when you submitted the paper.
- A presenter will show real time and IMPRESSIVE demonstration during the core time.
Please see the link for other awards (in Japanese).
<No Show Policy>
- The poster presentation video will not be uploaded till May 14, 17:00.
- The thumbnail image will not be uploaded till May 14, 17:00.
- The poster pdf data will not be uploaded to Slack till their session.
- A presenter should not remove any files on Facebook after finishing their presentation.
- Program committee will remove session groups themselves (all data) one week later.
- A reviewer may see your poster or movie even after your designated core time has finished.
Please contact Robomech2021 Program Committee for any questions.
E-mail: robomech2021-pc[at]