On Requirements for ROBOMECH2019 Presenters
and JSME Membership Campaign
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) has announced that starting April 2017 and onwards presenters in JSME conferences (including ROBOMECH2019) are required to be members of either JSME or any associate academic society that accepts presentations by JSME members in their conferences. For more details, please refer to this [link] (Japanese).
Along with the introduction of this new policy, JSME is offering a campaign that exempts a new enrollee who participates in ROBOMECH2019 registering as “Non-Member” or “Student Non-Member” from the Initiation Fee and the first-year Annual Membership Fee. (It is also possible to apply for a JSME membership without applying for this campaign.)
ROBOMECH2019 Participation Registration Fee
Early Registration | On-site Registration | |
Member of JSME | 17,000Yen | 22,000Yen |
Student Member of JSME | 10,000Yen | 15,000Yen |
Member of Associate Society | 17,000Yen | 22,000Yen |
Student Member of Associate Society | 10,000Yen | 15,000Yen |
Non-member | 28,000Yen | 33,000Yen |
Student Non-member | 13,000Yen | 18,000Yen |
Initiation and Annual Membership Fees of JSME
(See the full version here(Japanese))
Initiation Fee | Annual Membership Fee (Joined from January to March) |
Member | 1,000Yen | 9,600Yen |
Student Member | 0Yen | 2,400Yen |
Please select one of the instructions below for procedures regarding paper and participation registration, paper submission and JSME membership application.
However, the membership campaign is limited to the first time admission to JSME.
The 10 days consecutive holidays are officially scheduled, from April 27, 2019 to May 6, 2019, due to the abdication and accession of the Emperor. Please note that the registration site will be closed before the holidays, and register by yourself as soon as possible.
- If you are a member of JSME
- If you are a member of an associate academic society that accepts presentations by JSME members in their conferences
- If you wish to apply the membership campaign (only when you become JSME member for the first time)
- If you wish to apply for JSME membership in a standard way (without the campaign)
- If you are not a ROBOMECH2019 presenter but wish to apply for the membership campaign (only when you become JSME member for the first time).
(1) If you are a member of JSME
- Complete the paper registration with Membership category “Member of JSME.” Your membership number is required. (due: January 28, 2019)
- Register yourself as a “Member of JSME” or “Student Member of JSME” participant. Your membership number is required. (Complete the registration before the final paper submission.)
- In order to upload your final paper, you are requested to enter the following three numbers: Presentation Registration ID number, JSME Membership ID number, and Participation Registration ID number. (due: March 4, 2019)
(2) If you are a member of an associate academic society that accepts presentations by JSME members in their conferences
- Complete paper registration with Membership category “Associate Society Member.” (due: January 28, 2019)
- Register yourself as a “Member of Associate Society” or “Student Member of Associate Society” participant. (Complete the registration before the final paper submission.)
- In order to upload your final paper, you are requested to enter the following three numbers: Presentation Registration Number, Membership number of the associate academic society, and Participation Registration ID number. (due: March 4, 2019)
(3) If you wish to apply for the membership campaign
- Complete paper registration with Membership category “Membership campaign.” (due: January 28, 2019)
- Apply for a membership in the JSME site by selecting “Payment: Other” and filling in the Comment form with a keyword “ROBOMECH2019” in the application sheet. This keyword is mandatory for the free membership to be granted. Payment of Initiation Fee and Annual Membership Fee is not needed. If you are expected to graduate in March 2019, fill in your affiliation after April 2019 as well. (e.g. ABC University, DEF Co.,Ltd.)(Complete by the deadline of final paper submission)
- Register yourself as a “Non-Member” or “Student Non-Member” participant. (Complete the registration before the final paper submission. Participation Registration site will be open on February 8, 2019.)
- In order to upload your final paper, you are requested to enter the following three numbers: Presentation Registration ID number, a tentative membership registration number (eight digits) issued automatically at JSME web site, and Participation Registration ID number. (due: March 4, 2019)
Note: Your official JSME Membership Number will be issued after ROBOMECH2019 (around the 20th of June 2019).
(4) If you wish to apply for JSME membership in a standard way (without the campaign)
JSME issues official membership numbers on 20th of every month for new members who complete application in the JSME site and payment by this date (Note: payment must arrive at JSME bank account by this date (if the date falls on a public holiday, Saturday, or Sunday, then the day before). Or, automatic bank account transfer application form must arrive JSME by this date). Therefore, a ROBOMECH2019 presenter must follow the schedule below.
- Complete paper registration with Membership category “Member of JSME” with “Regular (application pending)” or “Student (application pending)” options selected. (January 28, 2019)
- Apply for a membership in the JSME site. DO NOT fill in the Comment form in the application sheet with a keyword “ROBOMECH2019”. (Leave the field blank.) Then, complete payment of Initiation Fee and Annual Membership Fee. (Complete as early as possible so that the payment arrives at JSME bank account by February 20, 2019. Or, automatic bank account transfer application form must arrive JSME by this date)
- Once your official membership number is issued, register yourself as a “Member of JSME” or “Student Member of JSME” participant. Your membership number is required. (Complete the registration before the final paper submission)
- In order to upload your final paper, you are requested to enter the following three numbers: Presentation Registration ID Number, JSME Membership number and Participation Registration ID number. (due: March 4, 2019)
(5) If you are not a ROBOMECH2019 presenter but wish to apply for the membership campaign
- Register yourself as a “Non-Member” or “Student Non-Member” participant. (Participation Registration site will be open on February 8, 2019)
- Apply for a membership in the JSME site by selecting “Payment : Others” and filling in the Commnet form with a keyword “ROBOMECH2019” in the application sheet. This keyword is mandatory for the free membership to be granted. (due: April 22, 2019. Initiation fee and annual fee will be charged for any applications made after this due date) If you are expected to graduate in March 2019, fill in your affiliation after April 2019 as well. (e.g. ABC University, DEF Co.,Ltd.)
Associate Academic Societies
The followings are the associate academic societies, which equally accept presentations by JSME members in their conferences.
The Robotics Society of Japan
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers
Information Processing Society of Japan
The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Reliability Engineering Association of Japan
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
The Japan Fluid Power System Society
Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and intelligent informatics
The Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan
Japan Society For Aeronautical And Space Sciences
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
The Society of Life Support Technology
Human Interface Society
Japan Society for Design Engineering
Japan Society of Computer Aided Surgery
Japan Society of Kansei Engineering
Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics
Society of Aero Aqua Bio-mechanisms
The Japan Robot Association
Japan Construction Mechanization Association